Over nutrition and problems it causes

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Now that we have explained what under-nutrition is, we are going to look at over-nutrition and the effects this can cause.

We will start will obesity. Obesity is defined as being fat or overweight and is likely to occur in developed countries with an over-consumption of food intake which can increase the risk of a number of diseases, including diabetes (type 1 & 2), stroke, heart disease and some other types of cancer.

Bulimia is also a condition of an eating disorder which is found mainly in women aged between 15-35 years. This is characterised by a need to over eat which in turn will cause the sufferer to vomit. Obesity can also cause fatty liver where a liver has fat deposits in it. Due to this, the liver cannot work effectively and alcohol consumption will cause more of a problem as the liver cannot deal with it so quickly.

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of the highest diseases in the UK. Every year, 25,000 people die of heart disease, stroke or related illnesses before they reach the age of 60. This is caused due to a diet containing too much fatty salt, and not enough fruit and vegetables.

High blood pressure is also a concern, this is often referred to as ‘Hypertention’ which can cause an increase in blood cholesterol due to too much salt. Hypertension can also increase the chances of suffering from heart disease or a stroke.

These are just a few of the causes and concerns of obesity, so what can you do to identify whether you are obese or not?

There are a number of ways to measure obesity. For example, body mass index (BMI), waist measurements, height weight tables and waist-hip ratios are just a few methods to judge obesity.

It has been said in in recent years, on average a physically active man needs around 2,500 calories per day, while a woman needs 2,000. If we eat anymore, the extra energy is stored for later use, mostly as fat.

So what can we do to tackle or fight obesity, I would ask that you consider the following suggestions:

Controlling your appetite. If you want to get your weight under control and remain at an ideal weight for life, you must restore your appetite to a healthy state. Plan your meals and reduce the quantity you eat at each meal. Eat fruit between meals or drink water to suppress your appetite.

Additional suggestions may include, increasing cardio fitness by building strength and toning the muscle. It is important to invest in your health as this will naturally contribute to fighting off diseases.

Our final suggestion is to seek medical and professional advice if you are unsure of what unhealthy foods to avoid and to eat healthily by eating plenty of fruit, vegetables, whole grain snacks, and healthy beverages (water, milk, pure fruit juice).