Food Safety and Hygiene Supervision Level 3 (VTQ)

139 videos, 6 hours and 26 minutes

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Natasha's Law in Food Prepacked for Direct Sale

Video 12 of 139
1 min 55 sec
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Natasha's Law: Ensuring Safer Allergen Labelling

What is Natasha's Law?

Natasha's Law is named in memory of Natasha Ednan-Laperouse, a teenager who tragically lost her life due to an allergic reaction caused by undeclared allergens in prepacked food. Introduced in October 2021, this law requires clearer allergen labelling for food prepacked for direct sale, ensuring consumers can make safe choices.

What Does Natasha's Law Require?

Under Natasha's Law, any food business selling prepacked food for direct sale must include a complete ingredients list on the packaging, with allergens clearly emphasised. This includes:

  • All 14 major allergens, such as peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, soy, and wheat.
  • Labels that are clear and easy to read, enabling consumers to quickly identify allergens.

Why is Training and Education Important?

Food businesses must ensure that staff are adequately trained to comply with Natasha's Law. This includes:

  • Understanding allergen labelling requirements.
  • Learning how to label products accurately and clearly.
  • Ensuring every product meets the law's standards.

Compliance and Inspections

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) conducts regular inspections and compliance checks to ensure businesses adhere to Natasha's Law. These measures protect consumers with allergies and maintain trust in food labelling.

Benefits of Natasha's Law

With clear and accurate allergen labelling:

  • Consumers with food allergies can shop with confidence, knowing they have the information needed to avoid allergens.
  • Food businesses can foster trust and transparency with their customers.
  • The risk of allergic reactions caused by undeclared allergens is significantly reduced.


Natasha's Law is a significant step towards making food safer for everyone. By complying with its requirements, food businesses can protect their customers, uphold food safety standards, and build a reputation for transparency and care.

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